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We are committed to keeping your personal information private. However, no transmission over the Internet is completely secure.  North Central Oklahoma Continuum of Care (NCOCoC) will take reasonable steps to protect the information collected and provided via the Site from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction.


Personal information may be entered when registering for a secure login, signing up for events, and responding to specific inquiries such as employment or volunteering. NCOCoC will never give, rent or sell your information to third parties, unless it is necessary to complete a service request or otherwise required by law.

Internally, maintaining the privacy and safety of those using our services is very important to us. If you would like additional information on this confidentiality policy for a particular agency, please contact us at and a copy will be provided from the respective agency.


All requests for service or assistance from NCOCoC are strictly confidential. Personal information including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, age and gender may be collected in order to better serve you and will be retained as long as it is needed for the purposes identified herein or as otherwise provided by law. We ask that you not provide information relating to your race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, criminal background, trade union affiliation or health, unless we specifically request it. In the instance that we do request such information, we only do so with you express consent and in accord with applicable laws. This Site is also not intended for use by those under the age of 16. We reserve the right to delete any information that is not requested, but are not obligated to do so.


NCOCoC is committed to providing resources and information relevant to programs, services, mission and continua for the education and assistance of visitors via our website. This website contains links to other sites. NCOCoC is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other sites. We encourage our site visitors to be aware when they leave our website and to read the privacy statements of each website to which we may link that collect personally identifiable information. It is possible that these links may be used by third parties or others to collect personal or other information about you. NCOCoC is not responsible for the privacy practices of any other websites including, without limit, those with links on the Site. Any information shared with NCOCoC by these other sites will be treated confidentially.

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